
Outdoor Brand Ibex Official Website Began Clearance

Last Friday, Ibex, an American outdoor label, released an open letter titled End Of The Trail, confirming that it "is closing its current business and will be leaving in February 18 sometime Day stop all business. "

Outdoor brand Ibex official website began clearance sale next February will stop all business

Earlier this month, Ibex said it has laid off 12 but denied any plans to cease operation. The brand has previously said it is shutting down its wholesale operations to focus on retail channels. Ted Manning, CEO of Ibex Inc., said in an e-mail on November 7 that "Ibex has succeeded in creating opportunities for itself, surviving seasonal fluctuations, and successfully reshaping retail channels and responding to changing This is not because of the brand's value, the quality of the product, or everyone's passion. "

Outdoor brand Ibex official website began clearance sale next February will stop all business

Less than a month later, however, Manning wrote in his second letter: "Some of us left ... but we continue to do things every day. We work hard and do our best to support each other , Take care of our clients and do their best to create the best possible results for the Ibex brand.This is not the kind of work we want to do together but it is important that we do what we can.

Currently Ibex official website has started a clearance sale, and December 1 will no longer provide consumers with replacement or service.

